• Address D-126, Laxmi Nagar, Metro Station Gate No-5, Delhi-92
  • E-mail info@midmweb.com
  • Phone +918851104676

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Turant Sampark Karein

Web Designing Institute in Laxmi Nagar

India's #1 Full Stack Web Development Course Overview

Web Designing Course in Delhi

Full Stack Development is a software skill where a developer deals with both the front-end & back-end. It is one of the most demanding jobs in the software industry. A company is looking for a person who is proficient in several technologies and can help create a robust software product. You do not need to roam here and there to learn all the technical knowledge because Modulation Digital covers all the learnings in one course.

Our Full Stack Web Development course in Delhi is designed in such a way that anyone can become job-ready in less than 90 days if they follow our course rigorously. We believe a student needs practical knowledge and hand-holding support to achieve growth. That's why Modulation Digital offers practical coding skills, real-life projects, and an industry-expert faculty who will give you in-depth knowledge on Full Stack Web Development Course.

With the growing demand for full-stack web development, a developer needs to learn in-depth. That's why at Modulation Digital, we ensure a student should master the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and Javascript, which helps them to create visually appealing and interactive websites. Our course also covers advanced frameworks like React.js. We train students to focus on the back-end, including Node.js and databases such as MongoDB and SQL. This comprehensive approach ensures that they can handle the technical challenges with confidence.

Web Designing Course in Delhi
Web Designing Course in Delhi

Hands On Training

Web Designing Course in Delhi


Web Designing Course in Delhi

Live Projects

Web Designing Course in Delhi

Lifetime Course Material

Master The Most Job-Oriented Web Development Course in Laxmi Nagar.

We always ensure that the students receive the highest quality education. That's why our students learn from the subject matter expert only.

Modulation Digital has 10+ years of experience as a trainer, and we offer personalized guidance to every student. Additionally, we provide flexible learning options, including full-time, part-time, online, and offline classes, allowing students to choose a schedule that best fits their schedules. During the entire training of becoming a Full Stack Web Development, a student engages in practical projects that, of course, provide practical knowledge and. With the help of this, they can make their portfolio ready during their training periods. This is the reason we have achieved a 90% success rate in student placement and become the best training institute in Laxmi Nagar, Delhi.

After the completion of the Full Stack Web Development Course, our students receive the government-approved certificate, which can make them certified as a complete Full Stack Web Developer. This makes them highly valuable in the job market because they have a skill that is needed in today's tech industry.

Join Modulation Digital Institute in Laxmi Nagar and start your journey toward a rewarding career in Full Stack Web Development.

Web Designing Course in Delhi

Curriculum is designed to make you a solid Full Stack Web Developer


  •   HTML Editors
  •   HTML Basics
  •   HTML Elements
  •   HTML Images
  •   HTML Links
  •   HTML Lists
  •   HTML Attributes
  •   HTML Headings
  •   HTML Paragraphs
  •   HTML Styles
  •   HTML Formatting
  •   HTML Comments
  •   HTML Blocks
  •   HTML Classes
  •   HTML ID
  •   CSS Introduction
  •   CSS Syntax
  •   CSS Selectors
  •   CSS How To
  •   CSS Comments
  •   CSS Colors
  •   CSS Backgrounds
  •   CSS Borders
  •   CSS Margins
  •   CSS Padding
  •   CSS Height/Width
  •   CSS Box Model
  •   CSS Outline
  •   CSS Text
  •   CSS Fonts
  •   CSS Icons
  •   CSS Links
  •   CSS Lists
  •   CSS Tables
  •   CSS Display
  •   CSS Max-width
  •   CSS Position
  •   CSS Z-index
  •   CSS Overflow
  •   CSS Float
  •   CSS Inline-block
  •   CSS Align
  •   CSS Combinators
  •   CSS Pseudo-class
  •   CSS Pseudo-element
  •   CSS Opacity
  •   CSS Navigation Bar
  •   CSS Dropdowns
  •   CSS Image Gallery
  •   CSS Image Sprites
  •   CSS Attr Selectors
  •   CSS Forms
  •   CSS Counters
  •   CSS Website Layout
  •   CSS Units
  •   CSS Specificity
  •   CSS !important
  •   CSS Advanced
  •   CSS Rounded Corners
  •   CSS Border Images
  •   CSS Backgrounds
  •   CSS Colors
  •   CSS Color Keywords
  •   CSS Gradients
  •   CSS Shadows
  •   BS Get Started
  •   BS Grid Basic
  •   BS Typography
  •   BS Tables
  •   BS Images
  •   BS Jumbotron
  •   BS Wells
  •   BS Alerts
  •   BS Buttons
  •   BS Button Groups
  •   BS Glyphicons
  •   BS Badges/Labels
  •   BS Progress Bars
  •   BS Pagination
  •   BS Pager
  •   BS List Groups
  •   BS Panels
  •   BS Dropdowns
  •   BS Collapse
  •   BS Tabs/Pills
  •   BS Navbar
  •   BS Forms
  •   BS Inputs
  •   BS Inputs 2
  •   BS Input Sizing
  •   BS Media Objects
  •   BS Carousel
  •   BS Modal
  •   BS Tooltip
  •   BS Popover
  •   BS Scrollspy
  •   BS Affix
  •   BS Filters
  •   JS Introduction
  •   JS Where To
  •   JS Output
  •   JS Statements
  •   JS Syntax
  •   JS Comments
  •   JS Variables
  •   JS Let
  •   JS Const
  •   JS Operators
  •   JS Arithmetic
  •   JS Assignment
  •   JS Data Types
  •   JS Functions
  •   JS Objects
  •   JS Events
  •   JS Strings
  •   JS String Methods
  •   JS String Search
  •   JS String Templates
  •   JS Numbers
  •   JS BigInt
  •   JS Number Methods
  •   JS Number Properties
  •   JS Arrays
  •   JS Array Methods
  •   JS Array Search
  •   JS Array Sort
  •   JS Array Iteration
  •   JS Array Const
  •   JS Dates
  •   JS Date Formats
  •   JS Date Get Methods
  •   JS Date Set Methods
  •   JS Math
  •   JS Random
  •   JS Booleans
  •   JS Comparisons
  •   JS If Else
  •   JS Switch
  •   JS Loop For
  •   JS Loop For In
  •   JS Loop For Of
  •   JS Loop While
  •   JS Break
  •   JS Iterables
  •   JS Sets
  •   JS Maps
  •   JS Typeof
  •   JS Type Conversion
  •   JS Bitwise
  •   JS RegExp
  •   JS Precedence
  •   JS Errors
  •   JS Scope
  •   JS Hoisting
  •   JS Strict Mode
  •   JS this Keyword
  •   JS Arrow Function
  •   JS Classes
  •   JS Modules
  •   jQuery Tutorial
  •   jQuery HOME
  •   jQuery Intro
  •   jQuery Get Started
  •   jQuery Syntax
  •   jQuery Selectors
  •   jQuery Events
  •   jQuery Effects
  •   jQuery Hide/Show
  •   jQuery Fade
  •   jQuery Slide
  •   jQuery Animate
  •   jQuery stop()
  •   jQuery Callback
  •   jQuery Chaining
  •   jQuery HTML
  •   jQuery Get
  •   jQuery Set
  •   jQuery Add
  •   jQuery Remove
  •   jQuery CSS Classes
  •   jQuery css()
  •   jQuery Dimensions
  •   jQuery Traversing
  •   jQuery Traversing
  •   jQuery Ancestors
  •   jQuery Descendants
  •   jQuery Siblings
  •   jQuery Filtering
  •   jQuery AJAX
  •   jQuery AJAX Intro
  •   jQuery Load
  •   jQuery Get/Post
  •   jQuery Misc
  •   jQuery noConflict()
  •   jQuery Filters
  •   Last updated on 19 Aug 2023
  •   Photoshop User Guide
  •   Introduction to Photoshop
  •   Photoshop and other Adobe products and services
  •   Photoshop on the iPad (not available in mainland China)
  •   Photoshop on the web (not available in mainland China)
  •   Photoshop (beta) (not available in mainland China)
  •   Generative AI (not available in mainland China)
  •   Content authenticity (not available in mainland China)
  •   Cloud documents (not available in mainland China)
  •   Workspace
  •   Web, screen, and app design
  •   Image and color basics
  •   Layers
  •   Selections
  •   Image adjustments
  •   Adobe Camera Raw
  •   Image repair and restoration
  •   Image enhancement and transformation
  •   Drawing and painting
  •   Text
  •   Filters and effects
  •   Saving and exporting
  •   Color Management
  •   Web, screen, and app design
  •   Video and animation
  •   Printing
  •   Automation
  •   Php Syntax
  •   Php Comments
  •   Php Variables
  •   Php Casting
  •   Php Math
  •   Php Constants
  •   Php Magic constants
  •   Php Operators
  •   Php [if,else]
  •   Php Switch
  •   Php Loops
  •   Php Functions
  •   Php Arrays
  •   Php Superglobals
  •   Php RegEx
  •   MY SQL Select
  •   MY SQL Where
  •   MY SQL and,or,not
  •   MY SQL Order by
  •   MY SQL Insert intro
  •   MY SQL Null values
  •   MY SQL Update
  •   MY SQL Delete
  •   MY SQL Limit
  •   MY SQL Min and max
  •   MY SQL Count , avg and sum
  •   MY SQL Like
  •   MY SQL Wildcads
  •   MY SQL in
  •   MY SQL Between
  •   MY SQL Aliases
  •   MY SQL Joins
  •   MY SQL Inner join
  •   MY SQL Left join
  •   MY SQL Right join
  •   MY SQL Cross join
  •   MY SQL Swlf join
  •   MY SQL Union
  •   MY SQL Group by
  •   MY SQL Having
  •   MY SQL Exists
  •   MY SQL Any, all
  •   MY SQL Insert select
  •   MY SQL Case
  •   MY SQL Null functions
  •   MY SQL Comments
  •   MY SQL Operators
  •   Installing codegineliter
  •   Application Archeitechure
  •   MVC Framework
  •   Basic Concepts
  •    Configuration
  •   Working with Database
  •   Libraries
  •    Error Handling
  •   File Uploading
  •   Sending Email
  •   Form Validation
  •    Session Management
  •   Flashdata
  •    Tempdata
  •   Cookie Management
  •   Common Functioins
  •   Page Caching
  •   Page Redirection
  •   Application Profiting
  •    Benchmarking
  •   Adding JS and CSS
  •    Internationalization
  •    Security
  •   Laravel Application Structure
  •   Laravel Configuration
  •   Laravel Routing
  •   Laravel Middleware
  •   Laravel Namespaces
  •   Laravel Controllers
  •   Laravel Request
  •   Laravel Cookie
  •   Laravel Response
  •   Laravel Views
  •   Laravel Blade Templates
  •   Laravel Redirections
  •   Laravel Working With Database
  •   Laravel Errors & Logging
  •   Laravel Forms
  •   Laravel Localization
  •   Laravel Session
  •   Laravel Validation
  •   Laravel File Uploading
  •   Laravel Sending Email
  •   Laravel Ajax
  •   Laravel Error Handling
  •   Laravel Event Handling
  •   Laravel Facades
  •   Laravel Contracts
  •   Laravel CSRF Protection
  •   Laravel Authentication
  •   Laravel Authorization
  •   Laravel Artisan Console
  •   Laravel Encryption
  •   Laravel Hashing
  •   Laravel Understanding Release Process
  •   Laravel Guest User Gates
  •   Laravel Artisan Commands
  •   Laravel Pagination Customizations
  •   Laravel Dump Server
  •   Laravel Action URL
  •   Node.JS Modules
  •   Node.JS HTTP Modules
  •   Node.JS File System
  •   Node.JS URL Module
  •   Node.JS NPM
  •   Node.JS NPM
  •   Node.JS Events
  •   Node.JS Upload Files
  •   Node.JS Email
  •   AngularJS Expressions
  •   AngularJS Modules
  •   AngularJS Directives
  •   AngularJS Model
  •   AngularJS Data Binding
  •   AngularJS Controllers
  •   AngularJS Scopes
  •   AngularJS Filters
  •   AngularJS Services
  •   AngularJS HTTP
  •   AngularJS Tabels
  •   AngularJS Select
  •   AngularJS SQL
  •   AngularJS DOM
  •   AngularJS Events
  •   AngularJS Forms
  •   AngularJS Validation
  •   AngularJS API
  •   AngularJS includes
  •   AngularJS Animations
  •   AngularJS Routing
  •   AngularJS Application
  •   C# Syntax
  •   C# Output
  •   C# Comments
  •   C# Variables
  •   C# Data Types
  •   C# Type Casting
  •   C# User Input
  •   C# Operators
  •   C# Math
  •   C# Strings
  •   C# Booleans
  •   C# If...Else
  •   C# Switch
  •   C# While Loop
  •   C# For Loop
  •   C# Break/Continue
  •   C# Arrays
  •   Python Syntax
  •   Python Comments
  •   Python Variables
  •   Python Data Types
  •   Python Numbers
  •   Python Casting
  •   Python Strings
  •   Python Booleans
  •   Python Operators
  •   Python Lists
  •   Python Tuples
  •   Python Sets
  •   Python Dictionaries
  •   Python If...Else
  •   Python While Loops
  •   Python For Loops
  •   Python Functions
  •   Python Lambda
  •   Python Arrays
  •   Python Classes/Objects
  •   Python Inheritance
  •   Python Iterators
  •   Python Polymorphism
  •   Python Scope
  •   Python Modules
  •   Python Dates
  •   Python Math
  •   Python JSON
  •   Python RegEx
  •   Python PIP
  •   Python Try...Except
  •   Python User Input
  •   Python String Formatting
  •   Install Django
  •   Django Create Project
  •   Django Create App
  •   Django Views
  •   Django URLs
  •   Django Templates
  •   Django Models
  •   Django Insert Data
  •   Django Update Data
  •   Django Delete Data
  •   Django Update Model
  •   React Upgrade
  •   React ES6
  •   React Render HTML
  •   React JSX
  •   React Components
  •   React Class
  •   React Props
  •   React Events
  •   React Conditionals
  •   React Lists
  •   React Forms
  •   React Routert
  •   React Memo
  •   React CSS Styling
  •   React Sass Styling

Why Should You Choose Only Modulation Digital Institute For Full Stack Web Development Training In Delhi?

Web Designing Course in Delhi
Web Designing Course in Delhi

Upon the completion of the full stack web development course we give 100% placement assistance which can make them a job ready.

Web Designing Course in Delhi
Web Designing Course in Delhi

We ensure you get in-depth knowledge about the program. That's why we provide the subject matter expert who gives complete knowledge.

Web Designing Course in Delhi
Web Designing Course in Delhi

Upon the completion of the full stack web development course we provide a certificate which certified as a complete Full Stack Web Developer.

Web Designing Course in Delhi
Web Designing Course in Delhi

Get the live interactive sessions on full stack web development by professionals. Understand the key concepts and enhance your problem-solving skills.

Web Designing Course in Laxmi Nagar
Web Designing Course in Laxmi Nagar

You're valuable to us that's why our team is dedicatedly available to provide assistance and guidance in your journey of growth

Web Designing Course in Laxmi Nagar
Web Designing Course in Laxmi Nagar

Boost your practical skills by investing your time on real live projects. This will give you hands-on experience and sharpen your skills & build a strong portfolio.

Our Recent Placements From Modulation Digital

Skills Covered In Full Stack Development Course

Node Js


My Sql





What Saying Our Students

Our students working in Company

Why Choose Us

Any Emergency

  • Get quick assistance
  • Live interactive sessions
  • Robust training
  • Paid Internships
  • Hand-on experience
  • Subject Matter Expert Trainers
  • Comprehensive Curriculum

CALL US 24/7 For Demo Class


Have any idea or project for in your mind call us or schedule a appointment. Our representative will reply you shortly
Let's Talk
Web Designing Institute in Laxmi Nagar
Full Stack Development Trainer

Roshan Jha

A professional software developer and trainer having more than 8 years of vast experience in the IT sector. He has trained more than 500 students and employees. He is very passionate about teaching programming concepts.

Biography of our trainer

As a website development trainer, my main goal is to help future developers learn the skills they need to succeed. With my technical background and many years of experience, I bring valuable knowledge to my students. I love technology and web development, and now I want to share that love with others.

In my classes, I create a supportive environment where every student feels important. I believe in learning by doing, so I provide practical exercises and real-world projects to help students understand the material. I make sure to explain complex ideas in simple, easy-to-understand ways so that everyone can follow along.

I know that learning web development can be tough, especially for beginners. That's why I offer guidance and support at every stage. Whether we're covering basic coding or more advanced techniques, I aim to make learning easier and help build my students' confidence.

Besides technical skills, I also focus on teaching critical thinking and problem-solving, which are important for any career. By encouraging creativity and resilience, I prepare my students for the challenges they might face in their jobs.

Our Traner Professional Skills

Software Development

Graphic Design


Web Development

Cyber Security


Our Faculty From Modulation Digital

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